The World’s Smartest Integrity Assessment
Confidently hire people you can trust
Hiring the right employees is a complicated process. Do they have the right skills? Can they be trained? Will they fit in with the culture? What is their background? Can they be trusted?
With IntegrityDetect, you can be far more confident than traditional integrity tests that you’re hiring trustworthy people. Using scientifically proven methodologies and a fast, online test based on reaction time and a machine-learning analyzed technique, IntegrityDetect can help identify those you can trust and those you may wish to question more closely — or send to your competitors.
IntegrityDetect is the first integrity test based on this revolutionary method using reaction time and a machine-learning analyzed technique.

What is IntegrityDetect?
IntegrityDetect is a unique integrity-assessment test designed to replace the traditional integrity test. It can be taken online via a web browser or by mobile app. Most tests take less than five minutes and focus on a single target issue. Because each test is short, it’s possible to run a series of separate tests on several issues.
IntegrityDetect predicts a person’s integrity by analyzing how the person implicitly associates him or herself to a set of issues.
How does IntegrityDetect Work?
As mentioned, IntegrityDetect is based on reaction time and a machine-learning analyzed technique. This scientifically advanced method analyzes how a person implicitly associates with a set of issues or values. The strength of those associations provides a view into past behaviors and current attitudes, which can be a predictor of future behavior.
Those taking the test simply categorize words and statements using a keyboard or touch screen. Using a proprietary, patented algorithm, results are quickly calculated in a secure, private cloud immediately after the assessment is completed. The test takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Features and Benefits
No Strings Attached
No specialized hardware needed. No test administrator or training required. Potential employees take tests anytime on any Internet-enabled device.
IntegrityDetect is greater than 80% accurate in identifying potential problems with past behavior.
Tests take about 5 minutes.
It can’t be swayed by a cash payment, a dazzling smile, or an unwelcomed threat.
IntegrityDetect is secure. All data are encrypted during testing and scoring.
Tests can be embedded in business processes or apps. Plus, tests can be customized to meet specific needs.
Cost Effective
Screen out less desirable personnel to reduce risk and costs. Low pricing and high accuracy make IntegrityDetect a wise investment.
Built in a secure, private cloud, IntegrityDetect can test and score up to 10 million evaluations per day.
Test scores are ready in near real-time. Make decisions quickly and take action. Data can be extracted or combined with other sources for further big data analysis.
IntegrityDetect is automated and standardized. No examiner or proctor is present. Examinees — regardless of race, religion, gender, etc. — are all treated equally and receive the same type of test. Results are accurately calculated by an unbiased algorithm.
Analytics & Reporting
The Converus Dashboard shows test results in any supported browser to those authorized. Results are displayed in PDF, CSV, or extracted using an SDK.
Who Should Use IntegrityDetect?
IntegrityDetect is ideal for screening potential or current employees where a more rigorous test, such as EyeDetect, may not be feasible. Organizations with distributed offices, hundreds of applicants, and limited time need a fast, simple, and mobile-enabled solution to quickly determine a person’s integrity and fit in the organization.
IntegrityDetect looks for implicit associations with issues such as:

How is IntegrityDetect Different from Traditional Integrity Tests?
Traditional integrity tests are often offered as part of a suite of personality tests that predict whether someone would be a good fit for a given role by presenting them with a hypothetical situation and a corresponding set of multiple choice answers. Such tests may be effective in identifying if a person has the demeanor for a high-stress, customer-service role, but are less effective in predicting integrity.
Several scientific studies have concluded that traditional integrity tests are less accurate than flipping a coin because individuals tested can respond the way they think the organization would expect. Yes, flipping a coin is more accurate than a traditional integrity test.
That’s why a new way was desperately needed to assess a person’s integrity.
By measuring reaction time and utilizing a machine-learning analyzed technique, IntegrityDetect can more effectively discover previous behaviors and desires — which are stronger predictors for future actions. Scientific studies prove this protocol is greater than 80% accurate in correctly identifying people who may engage in dishonest behavior. That makes IntegrityDetect between 16 and 27% more accurate than a traditional integrity test. (Source: “The Criterion-Related Validity of Integrity Tests: An Updated Meta-Analysis” – Journal of Applied Psychology 2012.)
If hiring the most trustworthy individuals is important to your organization, you’ll make IntegrityDetect part of your screening/hiring process.